Today we finally finished the shooter!!! All that was left to do was attach the large pneumatic cylinders, but it felt great finally having it. After watching videos from other teams, the pneumatic cylinders has reasonably high expectations, and, as it is flat, makes everything else easier. The shooter is pictured below.
Since it did not take too long for the pistons to be attached (total of 6 nuts and bolts), the shooter team worked on the mount for the shooter and the track/backstop for the shooter. Also, since the shooter is 23" long, the team had to mount an extra wood bar to the frame to entirely support the shooter, so the bar was mounted, and the back designed and made, but not yet attached.
As the intake was finished yesterday, the intake team spent today mounting both the intake and the pistons actuating it. By dinner time, the intake and pistons were mounted, and in the perfect spots. As a "for grins and giggles", we decided this year to put 7" diameter googly eyes on the top of our intake, so the below picture has our prototype eyes mounted (taped) on our intake system, all attached to the frame on the drive base.
The grey stuff spiraling around the ABS tubing is the coarse paper, and, after rolling the ball in by hand rather than by motor, everything seem like it will work well, and the geometry is good for now.
Drive Base
Today the shooter team worked on the drive base. After designing the extra mount, the team laser cut the needed gussets and went ahead and attached the bar with screws, and began marking the base for attaching the backstop and where to mount the catapult. Everything mounted onto the drive base should be finished and mounted by early tomorrow.
Approximate times of work: 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM
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